Monday, February 14, 2011

Random Thoughts on Egypt

1. The peacefulness of the protest was remarkable and inspiring. Are we convinced yet that the Middle East isn't one big sinkhole of violence?

2. That social media helped bring about the uprising made me rethink Facebook, which often seems narcissistic to me. I'm glad to know that it can be much more.

3. The thought that so many previously repressed people might now participate in their country's livelihood benefits all of us. The more minds at work, the better for everyone.

4. Watching citizens clean Tahrir Square touched me and, at the same time, shamed me. Would we do the same here? We, who leave coffee cups in conference rooms and candy wrappers on school buses? Someone else always cleans up our mess.

5. Maybe there's something to be said for a religion that teaches the faithful to stop everything and pray, even if they're on top of a tank. Surely all Muslims are not to be feared.

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