Thursday, February 10, 2011

American Health, Meet Congressional Republicans

Sometimes I think the House Republicans and I have a relationship similar to the one captured in that old book title, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. Our views couldn't be more opposite, which stood out yesterday as I read accounts of budget cuts proposed by these creatures from Mars.

Can there be any doubt that they're mounting an assault on our health? According to an article in Politico, congressional Republicans hope to cut funds significantly from the EPA, the WIC nutrition program, and the National Institute of Health. We already know about their wish to repeal, defund, and destroy the health care legislation of 2010, and, not surprisingly, they're now targeting abortion access. The New York Times reports of one bill that would even "permit hospitals to refuse abortions to women, even in emergency situations, if such care would offend the conscience of the health care providers." (This is not the same bill that narrows the definition of rape--in permitting federal funds for abortions--to "forcible rape.")

If protecting its people is not the fundamental role of government, then I'm not sure what is. The EPA seeks to keep our air and water clean; the WIC program provides nutrition for pregnant women and children; the NIH funds research to cure and prevent disease; the health care legislation protects us from predatory insurance companies and from discrimination; and abortion measures protect women's rights.

I guess these crusading Republicans really aren't from Mars, but they sure have a different definition of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Where I come from life means just that--staying alive and staying well.

Marshalling our country's resources to keep its citizens safe and healthy should be the work of our elected officials. When they renege on this, they're not doing their job.

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