The last three days have typified life under Donald Trump's presidency, one where we live-stream chaos generated by our Commander in Chief. Even as he remains hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center, Trump somehow manages to choreograph endless uncertainty, lies, and distortions. Those who work for him have learned their roles well, from Dr. Sean Conley who evades key medical questions, to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows who continues to contradict and deceive.
From the earliest days of his presidency--when he inflated the crowd size at his inauguration--to his debate appearance last Tuesday--when he bullied and blustered his way through--he has sown confusion and doubt into our lives. Because he incites violence in his supporters, we now worry about our safety at polling sites. Because he courts the friendship of Vladimir Putin, we now wonder about the safety of our elections. Because he refuses to follow the law, we now fear that he won't leave office peacefully.
Living in a state of anxiety with Trump as our president hasn't been good for our nation's health. We all ride a daily roller coaster that has no steady operator in control. Careening from one incident to the next, we often forget the outrage of the days before.
I resent this. Donald Trump has intruded in my life in ways that I've never experienced before. Yes, I disagreed with decisions made by previous presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, some of which I viewed as disastrous. But I've never lived with the level of anxiety created by President Trump. If I felt anxious about the state of our nation in the past, it wasn't because of the president's erratic and incompetent behavior.
I believe that Joe Biden, if elected, will restore a sense of calm in order to address the crises raging amongst us--the coronavirus, racial disparity, the economy, climate change, income inequality--which cannot be managed by an inept narcissist who foments turmoil.
We deserve a Commander in Chief, not a Commander in Chaos.
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