Monday, September 26, 2011


On Saturday the Triangle Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic in conjunction with the Carolina Raptor Center released an American Bald Eagle into the wilds of Jordan Lake. The eagle had been found injured and underweight in a Raleigh landfill over the summer and was now restored to health.

Her caregiver handled her like an oversized, feathered baby.

Then she turned her towards the water and prepared to launch her into the sky.

The power with which the eagle took off was stunning. She didn't stumble, and she didn't look back.

After 45 minutes perched high in a tree on the other side of the lake (her bald, white head still visible), she finally flew off, circling higher and higher into the clouds until we could no longer see her, leaving us to ponder--in wonder and in awe.

1 comment:

  1. melanie mitchell19/10/11 9:43 AM

    I love this photo of you Marge! Shows your ever-upward focused exuberance for life and all things before you!
