Monday, October 8, 2012

And the Winner Is. . .

Given that the 3 main characters in last week's debate were all losers--Romney for lying, Obama for dithering, and Lehrer for missing in action--we turn elsewhere for winners:

Most apoplectic response: MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who let Obama have it (now if only the President would watch cable TV. . .).

Kindest (and greenest) response: Al Gore, for citing Denver's high altitude as possibly responsible for the President's weak performance.

Best analysis of Obama's Achilles' heel: Matt Bai in "Obama's Enthusiasm Gap"--an explication of the President's maddening passivity over the past 4 years.

Most understated headline: The New York Times for "Axelrod Says Obama Will Review Tape of Debate."

Most in-the-hot-seat: Vice President Biden, who's got no room for error on Thursday night.