Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Mr. Rogers Presidency

I don’t remember voting for Mr. Rogers for president, but I think that’s who I got. Barack Obama doesn’t wear the same sweater and sneakers day after day, and Rahm Emanuel isn’t exactly Mr. McFeely, but we’ve got an administration whose theme song is “Won’t You Be My Neighbor.”

It’s time for Barack Obama to take off his bipartisan sweater and replace it with something tough. His courtly, civil manner only goes so far.

How can he change?

First, bring in George W. Bush for an afternoon. Those of us who didn’t like 43 laughed at his cowboy swagger, but Bush, it turns out, had the last laugh. He was the boss, and he got his way. From Bush, Obama can learn how to wear the presidential suit of power. It doesn’t fit him yet, and W is the perfect tailor.

Second, fire somebody. Anybody. My favorites are Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers, who aren’t credible reformers for ordinary Americans. But other staffers will do. People pay attention when heads roll, and they respect the head roller.

Third, strong-arm the passage of a jobs bill. Ditto health care. It’s time to study Lyndon Johnson and knock some heads together. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid need to understand who’s boss.

Fourth, quit inviting Jamie Dimon to the White House. The CEO of JPMorgan Chase ought not to have ready access to our president when millions are unemployed. We must regulate big banks, and like it or not, friends have to go.

Fifth, confront the Republicans at every opportunity. They created the mess we’re in and should be held accountable. If Republicans continue their obstructionist posture, remind the country that they don’t make good neighbors.

Which brings me back to Fred Rogers. Though adults often loved his show, a lot of kids didn’t.

Kids understand the playground, after all. Sometimes there’s a place for the tough guy, and everyone else needs to get out of his way.