Sunday, March 15, 2020

Joe's Back!!

Last night's debate between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders featured two intelligent, thoughtful men, both of whom would guide our country with a sound judgment that we've lacked since January 20, 2017.  Their responses to questions about the coronavirus alone demonstrated the shocking contrast between what we have now and what we could have in the future.  Still, Joe Biden's performance confirmed his place as the front-runner in three major ways.

He's found his voice, the voice of reason and calm.  He didn't bumble around, as he did in previous debates, confusing listeners and struggling for words.  He didn't shout in a rote, defensive manner, appearing out of control.  No, this was the Joe that many of us have hoped to see: a long-serving senator and vice president whose experience and knowledge are what we need.  A steady, wise leader willing to listen, negotiate, and compromise.  He's ready for Day 1 in a way that Bernie is not.

He's found his vice-president, or at least identified her gender, indicating that he gets it.  He gets how many of us feel.  Why can't we elect a woman as president of the United States?  Indira Gandhi was prime minister of India in 1966; Margaret Thatcher of the UK in 1979; Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan in 1988; Mary Robinson of Ireland in 1990; Angela Merkel of Germany in 2005.  And these are the names we recognize.  Check this CNN website for new names, where you'll see that in 2010 - 2011, the following countries elected women as heads of state: Australia, Costa Rica, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Trinidad and Tobago, Denmark, Kosovo, Mali, and Thailand.  We're way overdue, and we're not there yet.  But Joe is committed to making it happen, whereas Bernie hesitated, indicating that he's not.

Finally, Joe has found his smile, which had gone missing on stage--his smile of the joy of politics, the delight of debate and conversation, and the compassion for others.  What a relief to see its return, for I miss having a president who smiles in a genuine, selfless way, managing to dispel fear and anxiety.  Donald Trump's smile is smug and self-satisfied.  Bernie, unfortunately, doesn't smile enough.  I need a lighter demeanor.

We're closing in on nominating our candidate.  Let the race begin, and let us unseat the demagogue in the White House who serves only himself and not the people of this country.

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