Sunday, March 8, 2020

Geriatric Quiz Time

How much do you know about our three geriatric contenders for the presidency?  Test yourself in today's quiz:

1. Who is the oldest current contender?
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

2. Who plays the most golf?
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

3. Who has the most stents (that we know of)?
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

4. Who has the most grandchildren?
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

5. Based on average life expectancy for men in the U.S., which candidate will be alive for the next presidential election in 2024?
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

6. Who hasn't altered his hair?
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

7. Taking the average age of our three contenders, how old must the next vice presidential candidate be to present a ticket with an average age of less than 50? (Hint: Mike Pence is too old)
A. 35
B. 28
C. 23

8. Which movie topped the decade of the 1940s (when our trio was born)?
A. Gone With the Wind
B. Citizen Kane
C. The Wizard of Oz

9. Which baseball team won the most World Series games in the 1940s?
A. Los Angeles Dodgers
B. St. Louis Cardinals
C. New York Yankees

10. Who said, as he reflected on his life, "I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is." (Hint: Perhaps this is why anxiety is so pervasive these days.)
A. Joe Biden
B. Bernie Sanders
C. Donald Trump

Answer key:
1B, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5C, 6B, 7C, 8B, 9C, 10C

Count yourself a Geri-meister if you scored 9 - 10 points.  Anything less means you must be a young'un!

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