Sunday, March 22, 2020

2020 Election$

I'm sure I'm not the only person who noticed that President Trump acted with speed and deliberation once the coronavirus threatened the nation's economy, but with zero speed and deliberation when it threatened the nation's health.  We've learned this week what we surely sensed: that federal officials received intelligence reports in January and February, alerting them to the potential medical disaster that lay ahead.  What did Trump do with this information to protect the American people, WHICH IS HIS JOB?  Nothing.  Denial.  Lies.  Braggadocio.  Slurs.

Meanwhile, we learned this week that some of our senators apparently used the information from these intelligence reports to enhance their portfolios.  According to The Washington Post, Senator Kelly Loeffler of Georgia sold millions of dollars in stock shortly after she attended a private briefing about the dangerous virus and later purchased holdings in a teleworking software company.  How prescient!  Her colleague Senator Richard Burr, never one to care much about constituents here in North Carolina, sold holdings in hotels and restaurants, shipping, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare, all of which have suffered in the pandemic.

The election before us on November 3 couldn't be more important for many reasons, and one of the main ones is this: do we want to be a country where money matters more than people, or where people matter more than money?  The America we live in today values the dollar more than the person.  It's the dollar that determines the care and medications we get when we're sick, the quality of our children's education, the purity of our water and air, and the safety net (that's full of holes) when things go wrong.

While the Democratic party has participated in creating this situation, the Republicans under Donald Trump have taken it to an entirely new level.  The cronies surrounding the president represent corporate rather than human interests, and this administration's response to the emergency we now face lays bare the disastrous consequences of valuing money over people. 

One way out of this national tragedy is to vote Democratic on November 3: Make America Humane Again.

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