Monday, November 12, 2012

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave

It wasn't just Mitt Romney who was defeated last week.  It was also the lies he told.  Lies about his record, lies about his policies, lies about Jeeps made in China.  He and his Republican Party couldn't stop lying, so much so that they even lied to themselves--denying facts and polls and evidence that left them stunned by their defeat on November 6.

They have only themselves to blame.  The false bubble they created grew so big that it burst, like a child's bubble blown into the wind.

I hope they chart a more truthful course for the future.  Sure, there will always be politics and spin and exaggeration, but day after day of outright lies does no one any good.  Cynicism and ignorance abound, and intelligent disagreements are impossible.

Let's hope that the so-called "Party of Lincoln" decides going forward to follow the advice of Honest Abe.

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