Monday, December 31, 2012


After the shootings in Connecticut this month, I suggested to my daughter that she consider moving abroad if our government fails to take subsequent action on gun violence.  I changed my mind about this recommendation once the NRA's Wayne LaPierre made clear the views of his organization.  As he advocated placing armed guards in schools across America, he spoke with a voice that I simply don't want representing my country anymore.  Rather than give up on America, I'd like to stand with those who wish to free us from the madness.

On this particular New Year's Eve, I'm thinking of the Roman God Janus, the god of beginnings and endings who's often pictured with two profiles facing in opposite directions.  LaPierre is the image facing backwards, gazing at a past that never should have been.

Whose face is gazing forward?  Michael Bloomberg's, Barack Obama's, yours, mine?  As the god of transition between primitive life and civilization, Janus calls on us to stand up to the NRA and become the civilized society that our Founders envisioned.  For surely they never dreamed that a "well regulated militia" entitled citizens to bear arms against school children.

The second amendment has been distorted by too many for too long.  This January I hope we can change the face of America so that Wayne LaPierre's image no longer dominates.

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