Thursday, December 13, 2012

Heavenly Health Insurance

The absurdity of American health insurance arrived in my mail not long ago.  My friend Hildegard, who died recently and who would have howled with laughter at this nonsense, received a HIPAA certificate from her former insurance company.  No doubt she'd be glad to hear that she'll need this evidence of coverage--when she arrives in heaven--"to reduce a preexisting condition exclusion period under another plan, to help [her] get special enrollment in another plan, or to get certain types of individual health coverage even if [she has] health problems."

Health problems?  Does this include death?  I wouldn't be surprised to hear that St. Peter himself collects co-pays from every American who arrives at the pearly gates.

We've got an antiquated system of health insurance.  The HIPAA Portability Rights that Hildegard's certificate guaranteed were an important step in 1996, but this was 16 years ago.  We've got to join the 21st century.

Obamacare moves us in the right direction.  I'm interested to see what happens when the state and federal governments establish the newly-required exchanges.

In the meantime, don't worry if you're covered by insurance at work: if you die, your next insurer can't hold your death against you.

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