Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Wizards of Oz

The Supreme Court justices remind me of the Wizard of Oz, hiding behind their robes and occasionally roaring at us.  This image couldn't have been stronger this week as we awaited their ruling on the Affordable Care Act and then learned of their decision.  Sing to the tune of "We're Off to See the Wizard."

We're waiting for the wizards to give us a piece of their mind
We hear they will decide the fate of health care for our time
These wizards, you see, I'm not sure why, can rule the land until they die
And in their rule they sit on high like God
And adjudicate the fate of all.
Dumb diddy dumb diddy dumb
We're waiting for the wizards to give us a piece of their mind.

We've now heard from the wizards who startled us all with their news
The head wizard he cast his lot with those who usually lose
He gave the President a win that's barely heard above the din
Of those who fear that Armageddon's near
And that we're becoming mere socialists.
Dumb diddy dumb diddy dumb
We've now heard from the wizards who startled us all with their news.

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